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Scroll down to find some free resources.  These range from a Beginner's Guide to Mental Fitness, Mind Workouts for you to practice, Past 7-Day Challenges and much more.

Beginner's Guide to Mental Fitness

You may have heard about Mental Fitness and be wondering what it means?  It sounds like it must be a good thing - so how do you go about taking your first step?

To answer these questions, we've put together this nifty guide.  And most importantly some simple Mind Workouts so you can experience a few of the many ways you can become mentally fit. 


Just like physical fitness, you can't get ripped watching videos or reading books - you have to take the metaphorical leap and do some actual exercise.  So, grab your guide now.  What's stopping you?

7-Day Mental Fitness Challenges

Our FREE 7-Day Mental Fitness Challenges are designed to give an insight into what building Mental Fitness is all about. 


To make this interesting we have tailored them around regular hot topics for our Mental Fitness community.  Changing that annoying chatter, stressing less and embracing calm are just some Challenges we have offered.

So, if you fancy exploring, please sign-up and get started.  A caveat though! Please pick one at a time.  We don't recommend doing these challenges concurrently. 

Mind Workouts

A Mind Workout is a physical practice to start training your mental muscles.  If you would like a taster, have a go at this short practice using breath.  We use different senses to build our self-command muscle. 


To find out more, sign-up for the free Beginner's Guide (above).  You can find more FREE Mind Workouts there.


Good Luck! 

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