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Our Mental Fitness Solutions

Our Mental Fitness solutions are designed to cater for all levels of fitness.  You may be new to the idea of building mental muscles and early in your Mental Fitness journey.  Sign up for our free taster session.  Don't worry, we won't ask you to lift any heavy weights, just pitch up, learn and ask questions about what building a Mental Fitness practice involves. 


Alternatively, sign up for a free 7-day challenge to gain a practical taste of keeping mentally fit. Seven days of free exercises, tips and tools straight into your inbox.   It's five minutes a day, so you won't break a sweat!


You may already be convinced of the benefits of exercising your mental muscles and have decided that you would like to sign up for our next 8-Week Bootcamp.  You can participate with a group of like-minded women or work with a Mental Fitness coach on a one-to-one basis.  


Post attending our Mental Fitness Programme, we run monthly work-outs and short one-hour events to keep mental muscles toned.  Mental Fitness coaches are also available on request to work with you on a specific challenge.  

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