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First and foremost, we are friends.  We started out as work colleagues forging our careers in corporate HR.  Over the twenty or so years, we have worked together on numerous leadership development and coaching projects, we have gathered lots of experience, wisdom and a few laughter lines along the way.​ 


We are hugely enthusiastic about learning and in particular behavioural sciences.  During lock-down, we discovered and became certified coaches in Shirzad Chamine’s ground-breaking work in Positive Intelligence.  BrainGym for Women was born out of our many conversations over coffee and glasses of wine and out of our shared passion for brain wellness, physical fitness and championing women to excel.


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What Matters to Us

​We want women to know that Mental Fitness is the gateway to managing life's curve-balls with a calmer, happier and more confident mind. 


Just like physical fitness ,when your body is well and fine-tuned, life generally seems so much better.  It's the same with Mental Fitness - it underpins everything.  More confidence, more resilience, more energy, more joy. 


Mental Fitness has changed our lives immeasurably and we want the same for you.     


Our Ethos

  • Mental Fitness is a daily practice.

  • We are all works in progress – let’s enjoy the journey.

  • It starts with accepting our unique gifts, flaws and quirks.

  • Women thrive when they balance both tender and fierce self-compassion.

  • Women are socialised to care for others – it’s time to extend this to ourselves.

  • Women flourish when they are part of a supportive female network.

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Sarah North

Hello, I’m Sarah, and I specialise in working with women whose self-doubt and lack of confidence is holding them back.  Whether just starting their career, returning after a break or ready to move onto the next chapter of their life. I support them to build their mental fitness so they can develop clarity and confidence to get them to where they want to be. 


I’ve been there too, when I started my career in HR working in both London and Paris. That’s why I’m especially passionate about empowering young women to show up with confidence at the start of their career journey. And returning to work as a coach in leadership development after a career break, I struggled with some of the same challenges women face balancing work and home life. I experienced guilt, overwhelm and stress that made navigating that stage of my life difficult.  


Building my mental fitness has been a profound journey. With regular practice, I can respond to life’s challenges with a calm, clear and more resilient mind. I love working in a field that aligns with my passions: brain health and women’s wellness.  


Drawing on my corporate background, neuroscience-led coaching expertise and my ongoing practice to keep my brain in shape, I want to fast-track that journey for you! 


I live near Bath with my husband and our two young adult kids who have recently flown the nest. When I’m not coaching, I enjoy strength training at the gym, and I love to get out and about with our springador Flo.  Long walks in the countryside are my go-to-way of staying active and taking the opportunity to practice my mental push-ups. 

Lindsay Hanson

Hi there, I'm Lindsay. Let me share a glimpse into who I am...


My career has whisked me through the bustling landscapes of HR in some of the world's most vibrant cities—London, Tokyo, and New York. While those experiences were filled with excitement and diversity, there were times when I found myself battling impostor moments, comparing myself to others seemingly more aligned with corporate life.


However, everything shifted for me when I discovered the incredible power of Mental Fitness. This practice transformed my entire perspective on life. It taught me to embrace bold actions, worry less, and achieve a harmonious work life balance that had previously eluded me.


I call London home now, my interests extend far beyond the office. I'm an avid sports enthusiast who loves playing tennis, hiking in the mountains, and cycling coastal paths.   


I'm also deeply fascinated by brain health and its pivotal role, particularly as I navigate the challenges of caring for my Mum who battles Alzheimer’s Disease. It's a journey that's made me appreciate the profound importance of mental well-being and inspired me to dive deeper into understanding the essentials that keep our brains healthy.


I used to seek perfection and worry what people thought. I’m done with all that!  After all, life’s not a rehearsal!

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