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BrainGym for Women

We're on a mission
to get your brain in shape!

Building mental fitness is our specialty.  We offer personalized coaching and dynamic training solutions for both individuals and groups alike.  Train your brain to handle life's challenges with a positive, calm mind and way less stress. 

You already know how important physical exercise is for your body but what about Mental Fitness for your mind?  If we're not physically fit, our body becomes weak, flabby, and unconditioned.  If we’re not mentally fit our mind becomes hijacked by negative thoughts, self-doubt and overwhelm. That's because our brain is involved in everything we do, so keeping it in top shape is important if you want to live life to the full.


Do you struggle with…


  • Perfectionism: expecting perfection from yourself, career and family?

  • Procrastination: spending time on distractions or avoiding difficult conversations? 

  • Overwhelm, stress or anxiety getting in the way?

  • People pleasing: not standing up for yourself, setting boundaries or saying NO?

  • Judging yourself and others, fearing what they will think or say?

  • Feeling lost, lacking purpose or direction and wondering what you should do next?


If so, take a deep breath - you've come to the right place.  Read on to discover how to build your Mental Fitness and enhance your well-being.  


Mental Fitness is THE Solution

For those who aren't sure, Mental Fitness is the capacity to respond to life's challenges with a more positive mindset.  When you're mentally fit, you stay present, recover faster and tap more easily into your wiser self.  It's the foundation that helps you get your brain in shape, so that you feel calmer, happier, confident and EMPOWERED.


We provide group and individual Mental Fitness Bootcamps.  Our 8-week programme of app-based intense practice builds new mind habits and is a game changer in ensuring that new habits stick.  Think of it as a gym for the mind!  This is what makes us different.


We can say that hand on heart because we have been you and Mental Fitness is the difference that made the difference. 


Are you ready to power up your Mental Fitness and get your brain in shape?

What is Mental Fitness?
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Just imagine when you're Mentally Fit you can...

  • Show up as your best authentic self

  • Increase your confidence, resilience, and impact

  • Take bold action

  • Set healthy boundaries and have YOUR wants and needs met

  • Find the path that fills YOU with purpose



"I would recommend this programme for anyone who wishes to boost their confidence before and after graduating and entering their first role in the world of work. The techniques I learnt really helped me to control my anxious thoughts, calm myself and put aside any inner judgement to ensure I perform at my best. The techniques are also life-long – I can keep coming back to them at times when I need them!"


Career Confidence Bootcamp


Contact Us

Want to know more?


We're always happy to talk about Mental Fitness, so please don't hesitate to get in touch.  Click the button below to arrange a quick 15 minute chat over a virtual coffee.


Or if you are more comfortable with email drop us a quick line.

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Capability by Design Ltd trading as BrainGym for Women, 07231094

Registered address - 75 Leman St, London, E1 8EY

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